Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Former Exodus Missionary Speaks Out

Jose Luis Maccarone lived as an ex-gay for over 10 years. I first met him during my time at Love in Action when he came for a visit to the US to share his testimony around the country.

In 2000 he moved from his home country of Argentina to Madrid, Spain and become Exodus Interational's first missionary. After serving as an ex-gay missionary for a few years, he came out gay.

Last week Jose Luis and I spent a day together, and he wanted to tell some of his story. In this series of videos, Jose Luis shares some of his ex-gay survivor narrative, what it was like to live as an ex-gay, the good and the bad that came of his experience, his recovery and a message to his former clients.

Jose Luis shares some of the reasons why he became ex-gay.

In this video Jose Luis talks about life as an Exodus leader and missionary

What good, if any came of your ex-gay experiences and how were you harmed?

Jose Luis talks about his recovery from the ex-gay movement and speaks to the people who he had ministered to as a missionary and ex-gay leader

Shortly after I posted this entry, I received the following e-mail from Alan Chambers, president of Exodus International.
Please make sure to note and clarify that Jose was a missionary with the Exodus International that now is called The Exodus Global Alliance. He was not affiliated with the ministry Exodus International that I represent. Though there is a connection to the two ministries, he was not one of our representatives.



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At 12:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pete just wanted to send you some love on the 'gay issue'. I have no idea what i'm talking about i'm sure being pretty much hetero but I am so deeply against any sort of prejudice toward people based on sexual choices-- which are simply nobody's business, much less any sort of grounds to moralize or ostracize... I emailed you briefly about our shared school years but forgot to mention this and since it's a central aspect of your blog i thought I'd better make it known so you'd know where I stand-- lots of love!

At 7:32 AM , Blogger Allyson Dylan Robinson said...

This is really great stuff, Peterson, and very moving. The more of these stories I hear, the more convinced I am that they have the power to change the world.

Great to chat with you a little on the phone last night...I'll let you guess a little about that one... ;)

At 11:27 AM , Blogger Elliot Coale said...

Ughhh... Alan Chambers can bite it. Even if they are two separate organizations, they're all the same because they're both full of crap!

At 4:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alan needs to get a grip on reality, because this discussion is about the message, not about who paid the messenger.

At 11:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's pretty hard to believe that they are not connected. Maybe Alan Chambers isn't or wasn't in his line of employment, but both present the same message. It's like this: If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, walks like a duck, it's a duck. Thanks for showing the link - which links right to Chambers' Exodus International.
Carol B.

At 12:16 AM , Blogger Nonsequitur said...

It is both heartening and a very powerful witness that there are more and more former ex-gay 'ministry' workers/representatives coming forward to discuss the pitfalls of such programs.

At 1:47 AM , Blogger Alex Resare said...

"he was not one of our representatives."

I feel a bit confused. I know that The Exodus Global Alliance isn't a part of Exodus International now but how was it before 2004? Was it really two different organisations in 2000?

At 9:53 AM , Blogger SoulPony said...

What a special gift he is giving from his pain. I know people who suffer like he has will appreciate his honesty.

At 1:11 AM , Blogger Christine Bakke said...

Yeah, news to me about the whole Exodus Global Alliance vs. International thing. I knew they were somewhat distinct but still don't understand the differences (I guess I thought Exodus Global Alliance was over Exodus International or something).

Still does not negate what Jose Luis has to say. He's talking about being a former ex-gay, which is what Exodus (whichever) is in the business of promoting.

At 4:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

my family befriended jose luis in 1990, in fact, I just want to say that was not gay before, he only was facinated with it. he also used my family contacts in diferent parts of the world to vacation for free, once that was done he disapeared. he used exodus to get to spain. he uses you to be famous.his ex-gay story is not true, he was not gay till after exodus. he is a liar and is using you!!


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